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dumb water

Smart Water for dummies. Only idiots need to drink it.

Look at all those Trumpies guzzling dumb water and getting eloctrolytes!

I better buy some shares in that company there are so many.

by KrizziKat January 21, 2020

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When the Cherman guy says "weasel" it comes out veasel in that Cherman accent like auf wiedersain and schnitzels and beer steins

I'm a Cherman guy who hates the veasels on TV selling you junk all the die mein gott! Auf wiedersain I am to chug a beer stein

by KrizziKat January 29, 2020


Silent type of dork since it's a silent h

There's that quiet dhork not saying a word

by KrizziKat November 16, 2023


Transportation big mistake man.

Shit I got on the wrong bus. Rhombused man!

by KrizziKat August 20, 2019

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Acting puffish but with a "J" attitude

My Herm's rocking his juffish but he aint nothing but a puffish man

by KrizziKat August 14, 2019


Moron whose parents can't spell Ronald.

There's that idiot Ronild who inherited the stupidity from his parents that can't spell Ronald.

No wonder he's sitting there eating grass.

by KrizziKat March 27, 2020


When his dudeness fires off a spliff (blun) on the toidy (in a can)

Ey dudester quit banging the WC door man I'm doing bluncan OK???

by KrizziKat May 25, 2021