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A despie, or desperatem is a usually female roleplaying character that concerns herself only with obtaining a boyfriend, by any means necessary. They often purposely injur themselves for attention or flirt outrageously with whatever male character they come across single or not.

There are male despies but they aren't really thought of as despies since there are usually very few male rp characters and often the female characters will rush to him to become his love interest. Despies will often ask for someone to rolplay their significant other before beginning the roleplay. The thing that most people go by is that they have a perfect character.

Despie rolplayers are also known for their horrible spelling skills and single word postings. They are most commonly found in high school roleplays, but sadly, this disease has spread to a wide variety of roleplay topics. They can also be refered to as Mary Sues (Perfect female), Gary Sues (Perfect Male), and n00bs.

There are many ways to recognize a despie, but these are the more common ones:

1.They describe precisely how good they look - their clothes, hair, features, etc. (Virtually, they describe and embellish on their physical features to attract a mate.)

2. They use words like "sparkling," "dazzling," "enchanting," etc. to describe themselves.

3. They describe their bust/six-packs very vividly.

4. They describe themselves as especially pretty or handsome.

5. They are described wear trendy and/or sexy clothing.

6. They have really nice hair in a trendy style.

7. They describe themselves as physically fit, slender, curvy and/or with the appearance of a celebrity.

8. They are the most popular guy/girl in school.

9. They are the best looking.

10. They are the captain of the cheerleading squad/star sports player.

11. They drive a hot car. (One that is considered very expensive/popular.)

12. They are very wealthy. (This is shown by what they wear and/or the type of car they drive. Unless, of course, they stole these things...)

13. They advertise that they are single and looking and/ or ask other characters if they can be their G/F or B/F.

14. When they do get a boy/girlfriend, they kiss him/her every post or so as if to show the world that they finally got some...

If you are still confused and need other ways to recognize a despie, it is advised that you go to Google.com and type in "despie". Hopefully that will help. If you are a roleplayer, please remember that experienced/literate/senior roleplayers avoid despies like the plague. Please keep the world's roleplaying boards entertaining by not becoming a despie. Despie-tism is a fun sucker...

Female Despie:

Jessica is 16 and wearing Hollister jeans that are a torn and a white "wife beater" from Abercrombie. she has on white stilettos and her hair is straight and goes past her shoulders. She smiled and her perfect straight white teeth which are shown because of her tan skin. she is very pretty and wealthy since she is and Abercrombie model. she has a lot of Abercrombie & Hollister clothes, but she also shops for Gucci, Prada, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. Toni owns a bronze 2006 hummer that she drives every were. she was very popular.

Male Despie:

kyle,18, stepped out of his Lambirgini parked infront of the highschool. as he walked into the school he smiled at anyone ho walked past and of course they smiled back. who wouldn't? he was very handsome with brwon hair and green eyes with a dazaling smile. he wore baggy jeans and a white muscle tee that showed his six pack and muscles. he was the captain of the baseball and football team and singlhandedly led those teams to victory evety year. everyone loved him. all teh girls where hot 4 him. singl and looking. (post to be g/f or crush, plz)

by Kumashe July 22, 2006

73👍 6👎


A despie, or desperatem is a usually female roleplaying character that concerns herself only with obtaining a boyfriend, by any means necessary. They often purposely injur themselves for attention or flirt outrageously with whatever male character they come across single or not.

There are male despies but they aren't really thought of as despies since there are usually very few male rp characters and often the female characters will rush to him to become his love interest. Despies will often ask for someone to rolplay their significant other before beginning the roleplay. The thing that most people go by is that they have a perfect character.

Despie rolplayers are also known for their horrible spelling skills and single word postings. They are most commonly found in high school roleplays, but sadly, this disease has spread to a wide variety of roleplay topics. They can also be refered to as Mary Sues (Perfect female), Gary Sues (Perfect Male), and n00bs.

There are many ways to recognize a despie, but these are the more common ones:

1.They describe precisely how good they look - their clothes, hair, features, etc. (Virtually, they describe and embellish on their physical features to attract a mate.)

2. They use words like "sparkling," "dazzling," "enchanting," etc. to describe themselves.

3. They describe their bust/six-packs very vividly.

4. They describe themselves as especially pretty or handsome.

5. They are described wear trendy and/or sexy clothing.

6. They have really nice hair in a trendy style.

7. They describe themselves as physically fit, slender, curvy and/or with the appearance of a celebrity.

8. They are the most popular guy/girl in school.

9. They are the best looking.

10. They are the captain of the cheerleading squad/star sports player.

11. They drive a hot car. (One that is considered very expensive/popular.)

12. They are very wealthy. (This is shown by what they wear and/or the type of car they drive. Unless, of course, they stole these things...)

13. They advertise that they are single and looking and/ or ask other characters if they can be their G/F or B/F.

14. When they do get a boy/girlfriend, they kiss him/her every post or so as if to show the world that they finally got some...

If you are still confused and need other ways to recognize a despie, it is advised that you go to Google.com and type in "despie". Hopefully that will help. If you are a roleplayer, please remember that experienced/literate/senior roleplayers avoid despies like the plague. Please keep the world's roleplaying boards entertaining by not becoming a despie. Despie-tism is a fun sucker...

Female Despie:

Jessica is 16 and wearing Hollister jeans that are a torn and a white "wife beater" from Abercrombie. she has on white stilettos and her hair is straight and goes past her shoulders. She smiled and her perfect straight white teeth which are shown because of her tan skin. she is very pretty and wealthy since she is and Abercrombie model. she has a lot of Abercrombie & Hollister clothes, but she also shops for Gucci, Prada, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. Toni owns a bronze 2006 hummer that she drives every were. she was very popular.

Male Despie:

kyle,18, stepped out of his Lambirgini parked infront of the highschool. as he walked into the school he smiled at anyone ho walked past and of course they smiled back. who wouldn't? he was very handsome with brwon hair and green eyes with a dazaling smile. he wore baggy jeans and a white muscle tee that showed his six pack and muscles. he was the captain of the baseball and football team and singlhandedly led those teams to victory evety year. everyone loved him. all teh girls where hot 4 him. singl and looking. (post to be g/f or crush, plz)

by Kumashe July 21, 2006

3👍 3👎