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tap a milf

(v.) To impress a milf so much that she actually will fuck you.

I'm in the process of tapping three milf, . It's working on one, sorta working on another, and falling flat on the youngest.

by Kung-Fu jesus May 11, 2004

15👍 6👎

fixed costs

See overheads

Lighting, heating, rent etc.

by Kung-Fu jesus April 30, 2004

6👍 1👎


When action in a movie or videogame is put into slow motion with slow motion sound and revolving camera. This is done when bullets are fired at the central protagonist. Comes from the game max payne.

The bullettime scene from the matrix has been copied a few hundred times in parodies.

by Kung-Fu jesus April 17, 2004

5👍 3👎


(n.) The difference between the value of a business as a whole and the sum of its' net assets. Usually a measurement of reputation, position, contacts etc etc. When a new partner is accepted into the business, they must buy thier share of the goodwill

Can be positive or negative.

Goodwill in the business as at 31 dec 2003 was valued at £80,000.

by Kung-Fu jesus May 6, 2004

18👍 37👎


E-mail bombing.

I bomx0r j00 inbox, avec le xyerclev thingamajig

by Kung-Fu jesus April 18, 2004

3👍 12👎


Any kingdom or demi-democracy that encompasses people of multiple races (by ruling thier area, NOT by immigration) all accountable to a central government where one person takes the title of emporer.

* Abyssinian Empire ( - 1974)
* Akkadian Em­pire
* American Em­pire (1898-)
* Arabian E­mpire
* Athenian Empi­re
* Austro-Hungarian Emp­­ire (-1918)
* Aztec E­­mpire (1375-1521)
* Brazilian E­mpire (1822 - 1889)
* British Emp­­i­­re (1066-1997)
* British Raj (1858 - 1947) (Imperial: 1877 - 1947)
* Byzantine Emp­­­­ire (-1453)
* Central African E­­­­­mpire (1977 - 1979)
* Chinese Em­­pire
* Danish colonial empire
* French Empire(1804-1815, 1853-1871)
* French colonial empire
* German Empire(1871-1918)
* German colonial empire (1884 - 1918)
* Ghaznavid Empire
* Gupta Empire
* Haitian Empire (1804 - 1806)
* Holy Roman Empire (843–1806)
* Incan Empire (1200-1533)
* Japanese Empire (-1945)
* Khmer Empire (802 - 1462)
* Kongo Empire
* Korean Empire ( - 1919)
* Macedonian Empire
* Magadhan Empire
* Majapahit Empire
* Mexican Empire (1822 - 1823, 1864 - 1867)
* Mogul Empire
* Mongol Empire (1206-1405)
* Persian Empire
* Portuguese Empire
* Roman Empire (31 B.C.–476 A.D.)
* Russian Empire ( - 1917)
* Ottoman Empire (1281-1923)
* Sassanian Empire (224 - 651)
* Serbian Empire
* Seleucid Empire
* Spanish Empire (1492-1898)
* Swedish Empire
* Teotihuacano Empire
* Vietnamese Empire ( - 1945)

by Kung-Fu jesus July 29, 2004

95👍 55👎


the time it takes (Measured in seconds) for something to reach 60mph from a standing start.

Contrary to popular belief, most cars cannot achieve such speeds. There is only enough fuel in the car for a test run, and the driver is an expert who builds up the revs and then releases at just the right time (too much and he gets some wheel-spain). No consideration is given as to whether the clutch lasts the test.

0-60 times are innacurate, and you should typically add 20% of that time on for a realistic pull-off.

by Kung-Fu jesus April 30, 2004

22👍 49👎