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a) To have a strong effect on something
b) To force someone into naval services.

Rorke's drift was an impressive battle.

The anglo-american war (or war of 1812, if it's the only war your country was in at the time, aka you are from north america) resulted in the treaty of Ghent. However, this did not resolve any of the issues the united states had fought for. However, as a courtesy, Impressing stopped. See war of 1812

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 28, 2004

47πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

not impress

The troll way of saying "I'm not impressed".

<Person 1> Dude, check out "x"!
<Person 2> not impress

by Faustuss April 9, 2010


The feeling of amazement which arises when it is difficult for a person to imagine something that he or she has encountered being any better than it is.

I was impressed by her exquisite beauty.

by Celesta Lagniappe September 29, 2007

81πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


ideal;not so bad;not stupid

Hey man, did you see that guy who scored a fifty for his team?

Yes, that was impressive.

by HelloWorldUD March 18, 2013

56πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Something is so depressing, it's impressive.

Barrett: I've held onto this brown bic for an entire semester. I never lost it and it's finally about to go out.

Trey: That's impressing.

by Barrettis Maximus December 20, 2010

26πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Someone who knows a whole fucking lot about the Power Rangers

Wow, Dylhole, that's impressive

by No Seriously August 17, 2016

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


to have a large level of being impressed only for good artwork

that is legit so f*cling impressment, it’s high key impressive!

by lilcreepyngl August 24, 2022