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1) A person's girlfriend, in the dating sense.

2) A good female friend. This is similar to the use of "girlfriend" by other women and gay men to mean "a good female friend." A straight man can use "ladyfriend" in this manner without the social stigma of calling a mere friend his "girlfriend." This can be compared to the word "guyfriend."

3) A good female friend, with benefits.

1) Bob is taking his new ladyfriend to dinner and a movie on Friday night.

2) Bob is going out with some of his ladyfriends for miniature golf.

3) A: Bob spent the night with his ladyfriend.

B: Oh, Bob has a girlfriend?

A: No, just a ladyfriend. *nudge nudge*

by Kurishae October 24, 2008

174👍 103👎


A portmanteau of the words innuendo and radar, it is used to indicate a person's level of comprehension when they hear or read an innuendo.

A person with broken innuendar may miss the most obvious of suggestive meanings, or even let an unintentional innuendo slip out.

Chris: I'm feeling like an all-nighter.
Maggie: Oh, I hear that pretty often. Tee hee!
Chris: From who, me?
Chris: ...
Chris: Oh! Sorry, my innuendar's broken.

by Kurishae April 20, 2009

12👍 1👎

Slippery-slope slippery slope

A slippery slope is the perceived danger of a "bad" behavior or situation easily degrading into an even worse behavior or situation, resulting in a downward spiral.

Declaring that something leads to a slippery slope is a common tactic in fearmongering.

Following this definition, a "slippery-slope slippery slope" is a situation in which people accept baseless slippery-slope arguments too readily. This leads to the inevitable acceptance of dangerously ridiculous slippery-slope arguments.

"...but once you give a pass to seemingly reasonable evidence-free slippery-slope arguments, you end up with people arguing that state-subsidised health insurance leads to death panels. It's a slippery-slope slippery slope!"
- M.S.
"No, you can't have that stuff, it's junk"
The Economist
Nov 5th 2010

by Kurishae November 11, 2010

14👍 10👎