An irritating lost British man
Gavin's friend looks for Gavin all over Lemoyne, New Austin and even near annesburg but he just Can NOT find Gavin. He is a British man who came over from England during the year 1899 and has lost his "hilarious" friend... GAVIN!!
Something that is so funny that you cant stop breathing and... and get this, Its pickle rick!
It was SOOO funny, and than, get this, He Turned Himself Into A PICKLE.IM PICKLE RICK
A sausage that is not quite thick enough to qualify as an actual sausage, so therefore is given the title of Chipolata
Many folk believed that Peter Andre had a most average Chipolata
A piece of attire for people who think of themselves as sexy goose when really they are just three eared catipillars
The boy had sex with his ROLEX on