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To be phased out or phase out someone you are seeing and unwillingly put them in the friend zone.

Foxing generally ends with a "it's not you, it's me" text...or no text if you've been heavily foxed.

Getting Foxed is generally worse then getting dumped because in the lead up to your foxing run the risk of engaging in the following regrettable behaviour; a) send to incessant text messages to the Foxer b) clear your diary in the hope the Foxer will make time for you c) facestalk instastalk twitstalk

Girl: Heyyy, sorry I haven't been in contact lately, I have really enjoyed hanging out with you and I think you're awesome but I think we should be mates
Guy: That's cool I didn't really like you anyway.
Girl: There's no need to be a prick because you got foxed

by LCFOX October 9, 2013

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