Short for TensorFlow 2, a machine learninge library by Google released in 2019. Can be used for Language Models and other ML stuff.
Person 1: I just bought a laptop with Mac OS X
Person 2: You mean PaidBSD?
Person 1: The fsck is BSD?
Person 2: You are an idiot hahaha.
An alias for "School Days", a visual novel that is shitty as fuck.
I just got Traumatizer 6900 on my computer by accident.
ravynOS is a free and open source operating system based on FreeBSD and open source apple code and aims to be compatible with macOS and also make it easy to for Mac users to switch. It is in a developer preview stage right now.
Yo! I just tried ravynOS on my spare PC, I' can't wait for the project to be completed so I can dual boot it with GNU/Linux .
what you do when your DE freezes on a UNIX-like OS to get to a tty to reboot or do something. BTW tty does not mean t*tty or talk to you. It means TeleTypewriter
i ctrl+alt+f2'd cuz my de bugged the crap out so i rm -rf'd /* bcuz of anger!
A shitty ass visual novel studio responsible for "School Days", which I i like to call "Traumatizer 6900".
Person 1: I just got School Days by 0verflow
Person 2: Oh god.. you know that I call it Traumatizer 6900 for a reason.
Person 1: *plays the game and gets traumatized* You were right, I should not have played this...
Person 2: I told you...
A shitty visual novel company that is a subsidiary of Stack, LTD. it is also responsible for "School Days".
I hate 0verflow!!!