Source Code

Kotomine Kirei

He's the main antagonist in every ufotable adaptation of fate also the most complicated character to understand like Omni man

he dies in everyone of them

Fate enthusiast 1: Who's your favourite character in the fate?
Fate enthusiast 2: Kotomine Kirei and you?
F en 1: I would have to go with Rin she's just badass and best girl
F en 2: Um...Saber is obviously superior
F en 1: No Rin is way better, she doesn't need to drain your energy and she can also protect herself

F en 2: Saber can do the same also she's the king of britania and has Excalibur also she's the strongest class

F en 1: Wasn't she like a familiar which means she isn't even the real king?
F en 2: Listen here you little shit if you can't appreciate how amazing she is in gonna beat the shit out of you
F en 1: Wdym??? Rin acts so cool all the time , she's smart, cute, strong and IS AN ACTUAL FUCKING HUMAN BEING

F en 2: oh now you've done it motherfucker im not gonna take your shit anymore, by the commandment spell Saber come here
F en 1: fine then, Archer you in position
Archer: I've been waiting for a while now i knew it was gonna go that way

Saber: same

F en 2: Enough talk Saber go take down Archer asap
Saber: Understood
F en 1: Archer try to avoid using close range combat

Archer: fine
F en 1: so it's just the two of us now

F en 2: Just like i wanted. I already knew you set him up and be ready for combat so i didn't want to risk attacking while you're on your guard

F en 1: i knew that you were gonna know about me being on my guard so i talked with Berserks master and he's already here

F en 2: shit!
F en 1: aaand you take 8 points of damage

by LOBgameRPG May 17, 2021