Source Code


When someone messes with you and you're too stupid to realize it.


by LOLTroll December 6, 2013

1👍 2👎


A cocolink is a useless image posted by a user in an IRC channel. This link is usually pointless and is made just to waste your time.

(13:06:43) C-o-c-o-9-3: LOL I ags speced this lvl 90 and hit a fuckin 53, lmfao im such an ownage hybrid
(13:07:27) `Marty: !kb C-o-c-o-9-3 idiot stop with the gay cocolinks
(13:07:27) * Captain_Falcon sets mode: +b *!*@Swift-2FA6ACB9.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com
(13:07:27) * C-o-c-o-9-3 was kicked by Captain_Falcon (idiot stop with the gay cocolinks)

by LOLTroll September 5, 2009