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Looking at other definitions of the word "shrooms", we know what they are and what they do. Heres something you may not know about a mushroom/acid hallucenation:

To the common everyday man (or lady), a shroom trip will seem like how Tim O' Brien describes warfare: "a great chaos ghostly fog, thick and permanent. There is no clarity. Everything swirls. The old rules are no longer binding, the old truths no longer true. Right spills over into wrong. Order blends into chaos, love into hate, ugliness into beauty, law into anarchy, civility into savagery. The vapors suck you in. You can't tell where you are, or why you're there, and the only certainty is overwhelming ambiguity." Such a feeling brings about a sense of freedom. The beshroomed may laugh continuously from this feeling, without realizing that nothing is funny, and they probably look stupid.

To the select few (probably Timothy Leary and John Lennon), a trip may seem like a journey into a different perspective. The chaos may offer a new look on what one defined differently before tripping. For example a forest fire, though destructive, is also captivating. Logic tells us to fear a wide spread fire, but on shrooms, one's perspective might shift to perceiving simplistic beauty in every natural process or activity. The beauty of the intricate pattern of bark on a tree may be overwhelming to the beshroomed. One may receive an intense feeling of nirvana: the terrific sense of balance that Buddhists seek through meditation (if only they knew the feeling can come from consuming a fungus). Thus the spiritual beshroomed can transcend this chaos that comes from tripping, and turn it into perfect order, this feels like God handing you his pencil, giving you the chance to recreate your own life (and now that you have reached a state of nirvana, you feel up to the task!).

Try to remember of course, that shrooms are just drugs. Like waking up from a good dream, you will eventually come down from your trip and back to reality, with only a hazy memory of what just happened.
If you are one of those select few, be sure to take what you just saw seriously. Shrooms can be a good gateway into yourself, assuming you are not feeling emotional at the time (you might just be thinking about whatever is agitating you).

by LOLZMUSHROOMSLOLZ October 9, 2007

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