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We pray to depend on BOB for help in distress.
We pray to ask BOB for enlightenment.
We pray for communion with BOB through single-minded devotion.
We pray for peace from BOB when the mind is restless.
We pray for surrendering ourselves to BOB completely.
We pray to BOB for giving us the ability to comfort others.
We pray to thank BOB for his blessings.
We pray for the expectation of BOB to decide what is best for us when we are in a dilemma.
We pray for friendship with BOB.
We pray for melting the mind and ego in silence in BOB.
We pray for BOB to give strength, peace, and pure intellect.
We pray for BOB to purify the heart and make us abide in him forever.

I love BOBISM! BOBISM is a religon where you follow our love and savior BOB.

by LOVEROFBOB October 18, 2022