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A whining wannabe slutty bitch. Everyone hates her and she has no friends. Super clingy and swears at everyone to act cool when really shes just a stupid loser. Big ass liar who trys to be sexy and lusted for but ends up being hated and laughed at.

Often upsets loads of people for copying them and backstabbing them. Spills everyone's secrets and cant keep her mouth shut. Trys to act all cool and gangsta but ends up looking retarded.

Kerry: I hate megan
Julia: Omg, So do I
Tracy: Me too
Keisha: Shit, me three
Joy: Oooh I hate her

Amber: Everyone does
Danielle: Obviously, she's a two-faced lying slutty bitchy retard
All: Deffo agree

by LaLaSexyWhon June 13, 2011

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