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A phrase overused by middle/upper class Jack Willis wearing twats conveying their faux-machismo, those who like any music that is played in Yates or other shitty mainstream clubs whilst trying to retain credibility by liking Indie such Oasis and The Stone Roses...because those bands are popular amongst football fans, and what kind of "lad" wouldn't want to fit in with the football crowd. Act like they're salt of the earth when they're actually at Uni, courtesy of mummy and daddy and their money. Usually seen chatting up a vapid airhead who dresses like a supermodel in a put on regional accent (they never forget to use as much regional slang as they can!), who is drawn in by his "charms" because she is so void of personality. Usually thinks Inbetweeners is cutting edge TV, sees Cook from Skins as a role model and is more interested in Pete Doherty's tabloid habits than his actual music which they haven't actually heard, despite professing their love for The Libertines. Pinnacle of annoying loudmouth, they can usually be seen outside a takeaway at 3AM bellowing at each other because it's "banter", a word they overuse to the point of deserving to be punched.

"I had a well mental night last night lad! I went to Oceana with the lads and did 26 shots! I was hanging! Then I bumped into this Southern pansy who didn't like the checkered shirt I was wearing, so I said 'get t'fuck, laddeh' and I think he was intimidated by my accent cos I'm a proper Northerner, but it was just a bit of banter! Then I met this bird - see how I use the word 'bird'? Cos I'm a proper lad and did I mention how I'm from up North too? Anyway she looked like Amy Childs but fitter and with bigger tits! BANTER! She says that she loves my woman's clothes that I'm always wearing, which I bought from Topman. Anyway, I left with the lads and bought some chips, but then we had some well epic banter by throwing them at each other! Top night lads! Mental! Now I have to phone mummy for some money as I spent all my student loan at Topman"

by LadsAreActuallyPonces November 9, 2011

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