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A gorgeous gorgeous girl. Shes got brown hair, and gorgeous brown eyes with a perfect shape to them. Her lips usually have got a nice shape to them. Shes thin, and medium height, with a really nice body. Shes not the most curvy, but she definitely still has some. Shes crazily funny, on another level for that matter, she lights up a room the second someone walks in, shes one of the best friends you could ever ask for. She'll be there for you, support you, but tell you when you're wrong. Shes extremely honest and isnt afraid to share her opinion on something whatsoever. She seems super easy-going and fun, but shes also very responsible. She has many guys after her, which makes it quite the big deal when she chooses one she'd enjoy being with. She becomes very cold-hearted once you're on her bad side though.

Boy: "Who's that lovely looking girl over there?"

His friend: "oh, that's Amelia. Theres not point in trying, you'd never have a chance."

by LamoSknowWhereItsAt August 21, 2019

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