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The universal interrogative particle.

The abbreviation of, most commonly, 'what the fuck', though sometimes also 'who/why/when/where the fuck'. When used with an exclamation point instead of a question mark, it becomes an exclamation of amazement, confusion, disbelief, ect.

Both forms are often accentuated with 'mate' or preceded by 'dude'.

Dude, WTF are you on?

by Lapideus February 7, 2005

2030👍 740👎

Steve Haworth

The now internationally-known body modification artist, hailed as the originator and foremost pioneer of 3D Body Art. His mediums and methods include transdermals, scarification, cautery branding, and 3D implants (which he invented and developed himself). He is especially noted for his extensive modification work on the Lizardman, the Catman (Dennis Smith), and the famous circus star Enigma.

"Flesh is my medium."
-- Steve Haworth

by Lapideus November 29, 2005

21👍 3👎


"Nuclear horseradish." An extremely spicy condiment of Japanese origin, made from the root of the wasabi plant, ranking just below uranium in terms of destructive potential. Allowing any more than twelve molecules of this pungent spice to touch your tongue will cause your head to explode. Well, it will feel like that anyway. When used correctly, good for cleaning out the sinuses and warding away unwelcome guests. Wasabi is available in paste or powder form.

Commonly used in sushi, but also in various other dishes including sashimi, or to flavor udon, soba, ect. Keep away from the eyes. Do not inhale. Do not attempt to feed to pets. If you exceed the recommended dosage (approx 1/4 teaspoon) seek medical help immediately, lest your intestines disintegrate.

Much of the 'wasabi' available in European nations and the Americas is total crap and isn't much spicier than pepper. You'll know it's the real stuff when you start breathing flames and your appendix explodes.

by Lapideus January 27, 2005

591👍 81👎