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Often spotted on Youtube or IMDB, whining about how horrible it is that movies and tv shows might have any good characters that aren't straight white males. They can often be found on various social networks foaming at the mouth and whining about "liberal agendas", "forced diversity" and "feminist man-haters" when there are female, ethnic, or gay people in ANY movie, show, or even video game. They get very offended because they only want to see straight white males as "good guys" or bad-asses in the media. They are very upset that any other demographic besides their own is represented in pretty much any form of entertainment, because it just ruins their day when they're reminded that other people exist, and they never shut up about it. It's very annoying.

Manbaby - I recently watched one episode of a show and can you believe there was a black woman in it who knew martial arts and beat up some white guy who was trying to steal her car? Like THAT would ever happen? So sick of the leftist feminist sjw agenda in movies, I'm boycotting Hollywood forever now.

by LauRenFree March 8, 2022

11👍 1204👎


The self-inflicted limbo that man-babies complain endlessly about, when a woman they know fails to realize that she's somehow obligated to provide a romantic or sexual relationship to any man who is interested and claims to be her friend, simply because he wants it. Used by the same type of guys who claim to be "nice" yet call women used up sluts for having sex with men they're actually attracted to. Men who can't fathom being actual "friends" with a woman they find attractive if they can't act on that attraction - due to them thinking exclusively with their dicks and only seeing women as sex objects. If any man uses this term unironically, just run, because they have no real interest in you as an actual human being and will never be a real friend to you, and in fact are highly likely to go berserk on you at some point because they aren't getting what they want.

Friendzoned - "I can't believe that I've wasted 2 years of my life pretending to give a shit about a chick who won't even give me the sex I deserve! I pretended to listen to her problems and enjoy hanging out with her without her getting naked for me even ONCE, and this is how she repays me? Screw that bitch, I'm tired of being stuck in the Friendzone"!

by LauRenFree April 25, 2022

1👍 809👎

Forced Diversity

EVERY movie, tv show, or game that dares to feature any major or even supporting character that is dark-skinned, female, lesbian or gay immediately triggers the internet man-babies into foam-at-the-mouth butt-hurt ravings about how they are being oppressed by being forced to look at someone who isn't just like them. Their viewing or gaming experience is just ruined by all this "SJW woke leftist agenda brainwashing" to force them to acknowledge others.

Is there a movie, game or show with a strong woman as protagonist? Feminist propaganda!! Where a white man does something bad or is just a shitty person in general? Misandry!! Is a black person playing a hero? Oh please, Hollywood, I'm on to your game!! Like black people exist! Is a woman character skilled in martial arts or any other type of hand-to-hand combat who maybe even kicks a man's ass once or twice? THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN women are far too fragile to beat up any man!! They can bitch and moan for days on end about this shit, because just like everything else that exists in this world, they think the film industry belongs to them and any other group has no right to it. Apparently only white males should act in movies or shows and they are going to shit themselves in rage every time they watch anything until Hollywood gives in to their demands and stops "forcing" them to acknowledge or accept diversity! They're mentally ill man-babies and should be ignored forever. Too bad they never shut up.

Forced Diversity - A term used by whiny bitch men to express their outrage at other people living on their planet.

Man-baby - "So the trailer for the Game of Thrones spinoff dropped yesterday. I was looking forward to the show but then I noticed there's a black Targaryen in it and now I know it's gonna suck ass. I'll just never be able to enjoy the story now. Stop putting black people in my shows, Hollywood!"

by LauRenFree March 20, 2022

26👍 1272👎