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Nirvana are defined as the best grunge music band out of Seattle. Fronted by the Late Kurt Cobain who was murdered in 1994(no fags it was not suicide)Abrubtley ended the bands fame and fourtune.The Band went through many names and many drummers in the early days of their huge burt on to the music secne. Many called Kurt Cobain the voice of a disheard generation and recently fans mourned the 10th anniversary of his death around the space needle in Seattle.Also recently the Fender Jag-stang guitar has been realised and owning one(yeah im a massive obessive fan:P) They are great to play the grunged up tunes that kurt did! Dave Ghrol(drummer) went on to form The Foo Fighters and Krist Novaselic went on to form Eyes Adrift.

"I'd rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i am not"
"Vandalism, Beautiful as a rock in a cops face"

by Laurenzo May 16, 2005

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