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N.; synonymous with morphine. An extremely strong pain-reliever which is commonly used in hospitals for patients with very severe injuries. If overused, tolerance and addiction might develop. English fucks used to use it to get high before the invention of normal, safe drugs like weed.

"Doctor, I need morphium!" "You're not in England, you British fuck, we call it morphine here."

by Lax1334 June 7, 2011

1👍 2👎

fuck my ass and call me a bitch

Expletive; usually used to express extreme dismay or anger in a situation deemed as very surreal or upsetting. It is appropriate in instances where one can do very little to improve upon a terrible situation, and therefore can only find recourse in swearing and/or expression of rage. "Cunt" may be substituted for "bitch" if an even stronger pejorative is desired; adjectives can be added on to "ass" and "bitch" if further appropriation is necessary.

Listen, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but I told her about your relationship with Lizzy and I doubt that she will ever get over it." "Thanks for screwing up my life, asshole! Fuck my ass and call me a bitch, huh!?

by Lax1334 June 6, 2011

42👍 8👎

butter my ass

N.; a usu. negative or pejorative action. Used in several contexts, and in speech is usually used in verbial form, "Don't butter my ass!", "Quit buttering my ass!", "I'm not buttering your ass!", "He's buttering her ass.", and so forth.

The origin of the term "buttering of the ass" is not known, but over time has developed three distinct meanings, with decreasing prevalence:

1) excessive kissassery or sucking up, usu. as a way to gain some sort of special favor or attention

2) egregious bullshit and/or obvious lies

3) fucking with or screwing with

1) "I love you so much, babe; you're the most beautiful woman in the world." "We've been dating for two days; don't butter my ass." ; 2) "Did you know that the term "roofie" comes from the Iroquois word meaning "to sleep"?" "I'm a linguist and that is such bullshit, so don't butter my ass." ; 3) "I'm obviously better at bocce than you, you fucking idiot!" "Alright Andrew, it's a friendly game; there's no need to butter my ass."

by Lax1334 June 6, 2011

7👍 2👎