A Mandus, especially a second Generation Mandus, is such a sweet and handsome man that everyone wants to get to know. He never fails to make you laugh. Mandus is always there when you need him and knows exactly what to say at the right time. No matter how stubborn you may be, a Mandus knows how to bring you back down to Earth. He is very calm and levelheaded. A Mandus can talk to you for hours and the conversation never gets old. He is a very good listener, who makes you see things in ways you would never dream of seeing otherwise. Mandus can be quite the head turner, but he is always loyal. He deeply cares about trust and it can be extremely hard to earn it back once it is gone. A Mandus loves passionately and once he has fallen for someone special, he would do anything and everything in his power to keep her. He always knows how to make you feel like the most beautiful and special person in the world. There is never a dull moment with a Mandus.