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A slang term for a quadruple amputee.

I sure would hate to be a "quaddy" because they do not have both legs and both arms.

A "quaddy" uses a wheelchair.

by Legit-PWD January 17, 2011

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Crip Ghetto

"Crip Ghetto" is the slang term that the Disability Community has given to nursing homes and mental institutions due to the fact that alot of Persons With Disabilities (Cripples or Crippled) live in nursing homes and mental institutions.

My best friend is living in a "Crip Ghetto" because my best friend is a quadriplegic person.

by Legit-PWD January 18, 2011

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lazy Cart

A "Lazy Cart" is a Manual Wheelchair, or a Power Wheelchair, or a 3 or 4 wheel Electric Handicapped Scooter. There are certain Non-Disabled Persons (Non-PWDs) that are capable of walking and of average weight and they are too lazy to walk. These Non-Disabled Persons (Non-PWDs) will use the store "Lazy Cart" to ride around in the store to shop and/or to have fun goofing off in the "Lazy Cart" while being in the store or in the store parking lot or elsewhere like the public library and etc.

The Non-Disabled Person (Non-PWD) decided to kill time by goofing off while riding the store "Lazy Cart" which resulted in the Non-Disabled Person (Non-PWD) being told by store security guards to get off of the "lazy cart" and to walk out of the store.

Two Non-Disabled Persons (Non-PWDs) were using the store "Lazy Cart" to race in the store parking lot.

by Legit-PWD February 4, 2011

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


"PWC" is the acronym for Power WheelChair.

The patient was using a "PWC" due to having a spinal cord injury which resulted in quadriplegia.

by Legit-PWD February 4, 2011

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

PWD Insiders Language

"PWD Insiders Language" is used within the Persons With Disabilities (PWD) Community. The "PWD Insiders Language" uses acronyms for words, slang terms, and Disability-related words.

PWD 1: I heard that you went to the SSA and applied for SSDI.

PWD 2: No, I applied for SSI at the SSA because I have TRPS-1 which is a complex EDS.

PWD 1: I hate to run but I need to go the CIL/ILC because a group of Wheelies is meeting together to plan for a benefit for a PWD that needs an Assistive Augmentative Communication device and a Hoyer Lift. The Wheelies are also going to discuss DRM, CCA, MFP, MiCASSA. and Crip Ghettos.

PWD 2: You sound like me because I am involved in a benefit for a PWD that needs an electric gimp mobile and other Durable Medical Equipment and the planning meeting is at the PTI Center. After that some of the Wheelchair Junkies are going to eat out with some of the Walkie-Talkies.

Stranger: I could not help but overhear the converstion between you both but I could not understand alot of what both of you were saying.

PWD 1 and PWD 2: It is because we both are using "PWD Insiders Language".

by Legit-PWD January 20, 2011

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


"Non-PWD" means a Person Without Disabilities or a Non-Disabled Person.

The "Non-PWD" got a parking ticket for parking in a Handicapped Parking Space.

The "Non-PWD" faked their Disability in order to ride the Handicapped Scooter in the store.

The "Non-PWD" pretended to be a Disabled person in order to try to draw Disability benefits.

A group of PWDs called the "Non-PWD" the term of Outsider because the "Non-PWD" did not know what it was like to live with a Disability.

by Legit-PWD January 21, 2011

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


"PWD" is the acronym for Person With Disabilities and is commonly used within the Disability Community.

The local "PWD" Community is working on having a Disability Pride parade in their city.

The "PWD" was angry because they could not find a Handicapped Parking Space to park in.

The "PWD" was riding a Handicapped scooter in the mall.

by Legit-PWD January 19, 2011

43πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž