why hello traveler, you have reached peaks of boredom seldom known to mankind. maybe you should embark on a quest to the fridge to eat something, or maybe actually do your work
have you heard of the legendary hero?
well, they searched a;sldkfjghqpwoeirutyz/x.c,vmbn in urban dictionary, so clearly they are above most of us mere mortals
how........ just, how did you get this far into your boredom
I, have no ideqaghfjdksla;ytrueiwo56473829bnvmc,x. how you did this
21👍 5👎
how'd you even manage this one? well you aren't the first, try again
you thought you were the first to type plmmlpqazzaqoknnkowsxxswijbbjiedcceuhvvhurffryggytt, well think again fool
I honestly do not know, all I know is I did too
person 1: how did I fail art
person 2: how am I supposed to know?
welcome fair traveler. if you have gotten this far into your boredom, may i reccomend
a snack
a small break
drop out of the class your avoiding
person 1: i am so freaking tired of this class
person 2: how tired?
person 1: plmqazzaqmlpoknwsxxswnkoijbedccdebjiuhvrfvvrfhvuygtggtgy
person 2: jesus christ man. just drop out at this point
a container of pain meds, containing just enough ibuprofen, tylenol, and aspirin to down in one sitting without dying
god damn, my knee hurts. time to down my pain skittles
you have officially reached peak boredom, probably in class. do your work and stop procrastinating you dumbass
friend 1, "bro, you doing your work?"
friend 2, "vcbxnzmlaksjdhfgqpwoeiruty"
friend 1, "imma take that as a no"