When your having fun,but at the same time not having fun.
*Drinks beer* "Burp!"."i don't think this is a good idea even though i wanna join in :(" "Its insistainibleish sweety to you, to me its amazing i even got a loob mashiean.To go and get me horny ;3." "mom i am 13 X3"
Brave, Kenetic Manipulator, This name can be used for different things feel free to use it :D
"Sinou baby could you go out to get groceries for me?"
In a stiky sitcuation were everyone hates you?add 4 tbs of water to biscit mix, stir, round in a ball then throw at hated ones :) another wat to avenge non friends! :D Bad.
"AAAAAAAAA YAAAAAAAAA TAKE THAT oWo!!!!!!!" *throws biscit putting* "NOOOO" UwU *licks* "mmh! biscit putting :3"sticky situation