A smart, young woman who loves school (math) and is very athletic. A nice and caring person who will always stick up for whats right. She may be annoying or rude but that means she either likes you or your a friend. Britynn is fun and boring at the same time, she can be trustworthy and she trusts people easily, don't take advantage of her or she will get you back hard. She is very tough and she knows what shes doing, you are lucky to know a Britynn.
Britynn got 9th in cross country! (true story)
Cameron seems like a sweet guy but you will never know his true side. Hes super sweet and then he turns cold, if you know a Cameron you know he is confusing. He is a smart, handsome, funny guy and will be annoying as hell. Even if you have known him for 10 years you still don't know him. But, if your lucky enough you can have a great relationship with him, he will try. Your lucky to know a Cameron.