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Knock knock

So … chat with Xwifey

Said you were waiting

I said she does that a lot usually at windows

Your not my twin flame

Your my fucking stalker

Just like twin flame

Has one of her own

You didn’t mention UD

You didn’t mention working man’s Kath …

But we both know and now she does that you read this daily too

Hanging on every word

Hanging out the roof top window

Fuck off staring or it will continue to …

Oh shit I vape mostly now

Lifestyle choice …

Bit like yours being rather fucking creepy ..

Add this to your badge of honours …

I wonder if my neighbours doorbell picked all that up …

Stalker boy was probably jerking it somewhere or other …

And this is my energetic record … you know my beliefs …

Knock knock ..

The Goliath comment was just for you

Nostra Damn us ..

by LetsTalkAboutX January 11, 2023

11👍 5👎


In case you didn’t witness ..

Broken ..

Very ..

I knew I’d crack eventually

Sorry :(

Broken .. don’t bother ..

I’m not worth it

by LetsTalkAboutX February 22, 2023

16👍 3👎

Balls deep

Powerful ancient shamanic technique/ cure for evil damaging twisted energies.. usually caused by another claiming love and affection, yet not free to give it or simply seeking gain at your own expense.. /downfall or simply an energy whore seeking a long term parasite ..

As the facts reveal themselves over time and the combined energy is revealed, this person can attempt lie forever ..energy is energy …

Then easy to imagine .. the two of them .. walking buddy/ flirting partner .. even one will do … balls deep …

Repeat nightly when the lights go out …

It won’t take long ..

Crude but effective …

Balls deep … lol aka soon ?

Sk et

by LetsTalkAboutX April 11, 2023

66👍 11👎


You know it’s me yet feel I should say there was a little drama on Friday

Assume you know this

Just been told I will be fine … stuck here a bit longer though.. probs til to tomorrow …

Drama …

Drama … tick

by LetsTalkAboutX February 12, 2023

33👍 3👎

Brutal deluxe 2

This energy .. where two people, creating a new life or in actuality, creating a human energetic vessel and recycling a soul, they usually create a loving energy,

Yes it can be corrupted ..

Unholy baby ?

Spirit sees it like this

So do I …

Best part is stalker boy do you ever admit to reading all this .. the reasons you spent a year mysteriously being in the same place I was or just leaving the house as I did .. my school runs when you had no school runs an absolute classic .. admit the accounts of your own or maybe them all being yours? (Sad fuck that you are) and being hot on the dislikes as soon as my posts went up …

Which stopped almost immediately after I pointed it out ..

So begs the question..

How do you recycle a baby?

Who knows .. even im not chatting with spirit bout dat…

Brutal deluxe .. my introspections continue

Yes I am intolerant and an asshole when continually pushed … trouble is I don’t forget after a week or two, it’s just more added to the accumulation from many …

Many .. hidden .. shady .. reading .. right now and you know it …

Then there is the odd few I have time for..


Bout time all yours started moyherfuckers ..

All of you …

Brutal deluxe 2

Brutal deluxe 2 … pity I have to still keep writing tbh ..

Hate it …

But I will …

by LetsTalkAboutX January 28, 2023

107👍 3👎


An Oscar

She deserves these

All of them .. for the rest of eternity

If she is not true to her word

Absolute blinder

True goddess ….

If not .. it’s the heart of gold …

Maybe it takes one (broken) one to spot another …

Trouble with those …

Every fucker will leech them dry with no regard for the source … the person .. just drink the essence …

Maybe I am wrong …

I doubt it …

Oscar …. Award winner

This is not aimed at you directly Twinnie …

But you see the fuckery that follows me now daily …

Just realised the cleansing of old outdated energies

The 3 headed snake will resist .. lash out .. show it’s true colours …

Anyone would think all this was written like long ago … like a book .. or something …

by LetsTalkAboutX January 14, 2023

55👍 6👎

Due diligence

Due diligence …

I have spoken of some random things here

Didn’t mean to … baited

To me it’s my life .. me .. if you don’t like it please don’t know me .. avoid me ..

Life was shit empty lame .. many things contributed to this

Over a lifetime a happy soul gets drained

The way of this world

Root of the nastiness .. yes humans but recent experience .. suffered this myself as part of my learning .. forced to deal using only wits and intuition.. what both my guide and higher self called a trap .. :) for something not very pleasant .. no idea but apparently I did good .. and this morning cause I cleansed all protection leaving myself open .. and my guide is a bit like that …

Likes using me as bait …

Anyways .. sad, depressed lonely is a good sign but the scariest of possessions .. it can be anyone and no fault of their own … scary feeling places … feel like you’re being followed ? Oh perhaps also it could be stalker boy … ;)

What i realised was essential before I ascend (alone) or burn (alone) is solutions .. can’t break a glass ceiling without a few plasters at ready …

Due diligence … part 2 will offer a few solutions

by LetsTalkAboutX January 7, 2023

7👍 10👎