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Virtue Signal Sarah

A person, usually a white woman, who presents themselves as ultra liberal on social media, self-identifies as a vegan, leftist, feminist (loves labels), usually has lots of tattoos as it is part of their curated woke / progressive / punk-rock identity (costume). These people are very active on IG and are constantly posting and reposting virtue signals to compensate for not knowing who they are or what they stand for, living for affirmations from like-minded friends.

These people are so thirsty for that dopamine rush of a ‘view’ or ‘like’ that they rarely check sources and vet what they’re actually posting, and often repost things that aren’t factual, or in-line with progressive ideology. But do not dare call them out on it. These people will challenge authorities, governments, the police, via Instagram, but if you challenge THEM to be better, they will get flustered, break down, name call, and un-follow you. Mind you, these people are only "activists" online. They almost never participate in real life direct action.

These people tend to pursue careers as social workers or therapists, and are very public about it — also part of their woke ensemble to "do good in the world (because I'm a good person and I need you to know that)". The truth is that they are insecure and immature people who are grasping for identity. They are usually privileged in that they are white and receive financial support from their parents, well past their 20's and 30's.

Oh boy, another Virtue Signal Sarah (VSS) re-posting more Black Lives Matters content than all my Black friends combined.

by Leviiiii March 14, 2023