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Prefix Lex meaning Law and suffix Anie meaning grace in Latin, This woman is quite literally Lawfully Graceful, she is a living breathing oracle. A woman Guided by her intuition which is as accurate as a needle point when it comes to picking up subtle energies of people, places and things. She effortlessly navigates the world with this gift. Her logic keeps her correct in judgment as she is ruled by the true laws of the earth realm. If you are ever to meet a Lexanie know you will be stripped naked of your false identity and be exposed to embody true energy that is your soul, for she can make anyone be comfortable being their true selves. She is an embodiment of truth, bringing out people’s true vibrations effortlessly and effectively, which can only go two ways, depending on what side of the spectrum you lie on…better hope you’re on the good side, or else you will be faced with your own degenerate aspects for she mirrors you precisely. By law of grace all who meet a Lexanie will be ultimately, positively transformed with grace!


by Lexanie February 6, 2023