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Yuma Yummies

yooma yuumaes, noun. Yuma Yummies (YY's) can be found preying on their favorite victims gullible young horny Marines in any local watering hole in the South-western reaches of the Arizona desert.

YY's can be usually be identified by their painted eyebrows (sometimes tattooed) giving them a facial expression of constant surprise.

Some YY's have evolved, abstaining from this technique making themselves unidentifiable from your typical Yummy. These deceiving hoodwinks are harder to identify, but is still possible. One can only be certain when observing a true specimen in its disrobed form. Take extreme caution during this procedure. Careless can lead to the YY's favorite move; unprotected sex, which can lead to impregnation or herpes. In most cases, both.

When disrobing a YY, one must first ensure that you have clear means for a quick getaway by unlocking the door. All Yuma Yummies will have identifying marks known in the animal world as "stretch marks", usually caused by extreme obesity or pregnancy. In most cases both. Once a stretch mark has been positively identified, vacate the Motel 6 immediately! Do not grab your clothes, just get your cellphone and wallet and run like a MF'r. Cardio is going to be your saving grace as these heifers have none whatsoever. Note: the key to this maneuver is to stay at least arm's length distance away from any disrobed YY.

Follow these tips and any astute Marine can avoid the detestable Yuma Yummy.

I was cornered by a group of Yuma Yummies in heat and saved myself by throwing my wingman into the herd of and running away.

by Lguh6000 January 23, 2018

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