A watered down version of freedom spouted by psudeo patriots in American who claim to love freedom, justice and constitutional rights for all but are in fact only in favor for a select few having them. Freedom supporters hide their agenda by wrapping it up in a false sense of patriotism to cover up their lack of willingness to share it with everyone in the country. Usually cutting off others right to freedom when it prevents a privileged group from having their way with a particular politcal/social/Religious issue they want to have dictated in their personal favor.
Freedom is for the everyone, while Freedumb is for the few...
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The act of using the term Politically Correct in an political argument or debate in an effort to cover for not stating one's unpopular opinion. Mostly done out of cowardliness to avoid being criticized for sharing their unpopular opinion for fear of being ridiculed or in an effort to cheaply stifle someone's well explained opinion.
Being confronted with an well argued opinion opposed to Paul's point of view, Paul decided to play the Politically Correct Card instead of giving a proper counter argument.
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A Magical Pair of glass that enables conservatives to see the truth about about the liberal agenda and the world around them. With these specs, reality is no longer liberally biased and makes perfect ideological sense.
The Red State Specs among other things make...
* Hidden Motivations of Reporters, Statisticians and debate moderators, among others, are made as clear as day.
* Find of what Liberals really believe when they talk about issues important to them such as climate change.
* See issues not convenient to conservatives and their narratives disappear infront of you very eyes. You will never need Fox News again!
Try Red State Spexs Today! Gitmo Prisoner Tested and Dick Cheney Approved!
Love them or your money back!
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The Political Act of spouting crazy Far Right wing Rhetoric and conspiracy theories on par with what the John Birch Society says.
Conspiracy theories about there being a War on Christmas, that Global Warming is Socialist Conspiracy to redistribute wealth, and that fluoride in the water is a communist plot are just a few examples.
Did you see that Tea Part spokesman go on about Global Warming being a Hoax to redistribute wealth? Yeah, he's John Birch Crazy.
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A person against a woman's personhood right to make her own health choices in regards to family planning without the woman's consent. Going as far as to abuse government power to infringe their social agenda into other woman person health decisions without their expressed consent of the an individual.
Force birthers consider the alleged rights of a fertilize egg to be more important morally and legally then the individual whom they want to force to bring the pregnancy to full term. Going as far as to infringe the personhood rights of the pregnant woman in an effort force others to follow their social values and norms on reductive rights.
More Extreme Force Birthers wish to go as far as to eliminate the ability of birth control and other safe sex products due to their objects to sex for reasons outside of procreation.
The Forced Birther got angry at the woman that called her out on the fact that they seek to control other's health decisions
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A Useful Idiot/Elitist Worshiper that worships the one percent, supports their economic goals including trickle down economics. Unlike a true member of the 1 Percent, a Honorary One Percenter doesn't have economic capital to truly be one hence his Honorary Status. A Honorary One Percenter can be corporatist, libertarian, or a conservative among other political demographics. What is required of one is their loyalty to the 1 percent and their plutocratic ideals. Including undermine the ability of the people to have a voice in a Representative Democracy
Paul listen to the Honorary One Percenter whine about how horrible the 1 percent in America had it when it came to their tax rate. All the while bashing those who barely had anything for having it easy.
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When a candidate for political office, runs a political campaign portraying themselves to the public as being political moderate then where the candidate actually stands on various political issues in an effort to broaden their appeal to a larger group of voters.
Upon winning the political office the candidate ran for, the new elected Politician then reveals themselves to the public to be a partisan hardliner who instead of working with both parties, toes the political party line that they are affiliated with. Often pushing for policies that the party they affiliated with wants regardless of what they pledged on the campaign trail.
Despite portraying himself as not being a partisan hardliner during the General Election campaign, Senator Smith pulled a Moderate Bait and Switch on the voters of the state that elected him and proceeded to vote in favor of policies he said he would not support on the campaign trail
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