Source Code

Pickle Piñata

Fetish/game/activity/ritual/initiation ceremony/esport /kink/event
where an individual is suspended from the ceiling or tree forming the precursor pickle piñata.
Then the pickle piñata is spun around no more than 9 times to induce a predictable and steady rotation.
Then a group of men encompass the pickle pinata and strive to maintain the constant spinning movement of the pickle pinata with only their penises however they may only halt this athletic display when all of them have ejaculated.
This requires them to cooperate as if anyone ejaculates prematurely they will have a softer more sensitive penis that would hinder their ability to propel the pickle piñata.

However, they shall have failed if the pickle pinata ever stops spinning and a forfeit will have to be made by the man whose penis last touched the pickle pinata.

The forfeit will be chosen by the current sovereign pickle pinata.
Usually, the title of the pickle pinata is passed down to the unfortunate man whose penis last touched the pickle pinata
making him the new pickle pinata.

Kevin is insane, he keeps going on about how much he enjoys going for pickle piñata party’s and open events . I honestly do feel bad for his girlfriend Rachel who he says is waiting for him back in their small town down south and doesn't even know that he is attending a pickle pinata party let alone with with 23 other guys every weekend.”

by Liggy420 September 26, 2021