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Adeline is a synonym for awesomeness, nice, cool, the best and gorgeous.
Adeline’s are super friendly with the ones they like and know how to burn enemies (not literally)
I know an Adeline. She is nice, loves to mess around and just the best

Person one: hey dude Adeline just burned me so bad!
Other dude: how?
Person one: I went, hows soccer you bi**h and she went: better than you big sh1t

by Lionblaze! December 20, 2020

11👍 1👎


Adeline is another word for awesome, nice, beautiful, lovely, cool and the best
Adeline’s are nice with everyone they like, but they are quite ferocious when it comes to enemies. They can burn (not literally) easyly
Guys, I know an Adeline, she’s the best friend you could ask for, so go ahead and meet some Adeline’s!

Dude1: Adeline just burned me so bad
Dude2: how?
Dude1: I said; how’s school bit**, and she said better than you idiot
Dude2: holly guacamole

by Lionblaze! December 21, 2020


Sucks, just the worst

Fuck Toyota!

by Lionblaze! December 21, 2020


Adeline, I didn’t know how to tell you so there.
I love you.
I’m a girl, so I’m lesbian.
I love when you say aie aie aie, when you beat the shit out of Ben and when you come near me, I feel special and nervous
So there
I hope you like me back

I love you

by Lionblaze! December 21, 2020

2👍 30👎