/mon-uh-kop-sis/ n.
The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place - that you are drastically juxtaposed amidst your surroundings - ultimately feeling like one side of your puzzle piece will never fit - as you aimlessly search for the place that you would feel effortlessly at home.
friend 2: hey man, whats got you so down these days?
friend 1: i dont know man, its like this endless feeling of monachopsis is dragging me down
friend 2?: and thats why you made me, isnt that right?
friend 1: yeah, i guess so
/add-uhl-worth/ adj.
being unable to determine if you are doing okay in life - facing dissonance between your own self-perceptions of success, and the perceptions of those around you - as those ideas steadily reassure your progress, or reduce those accomplishments to nothing.
friend 1: Hey, whats a feeling that you've been experiencing for a while now?
friend 2: Addleworth.
friend 1: huh, interesting.
/et-er-rath/ n.
/et-er-rath/ n. the feeling of emptiness after a long arduous process is finally complete - having finished school, recovered from surgery, or gone home after your wedding - which leaves you relieved that it's over but missing the stress that organized your life into a mission.
friend 1: hey big man, now that you're married what are you feeling?
friend 2: hm, i guess a bit of etterath
friend 1: no idea what that means but good on you!