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"whigger" a white girl that likes black people or any white girl that acts or talks as if they are black.

after moving to pomona ca taryn started to say nigga.... but shes white. what a whigger.

by Listodurock909 May 6, 2015

Wistle from behind

Wistle from behind: the sound of your ass when you fart.

Aachooo proot toot pheeewt hahoo. What was that? Wistle from behind. I farted.

by Listodurock909 April 19, 2018


SUSPISIOSO- someone who always suspects things.

"Dude did you record my voice!" "No bro your suspisioso!"

"Where is it at? I know you pick up... "Yup" you got N$$$ on it right" ...suspisioso

by Listodurock909 June 11, 2014

Tito todo

Tito todo: Giving it all you got!

Dancing on the stage and grinding on that pole "tito todo" giving it all you got! "Nice & slow" playing ...

by Listodurock909 October 1, 2018


Nagkamaliit: when your dick turns soft for the wrong reason.

Your girl is in the shower and you jump in and say can I join you?

She says No get the fuck out!

Sorry nagkamaliit.

by Listodurock909 April 30, 2018

Angry volcano

Angry volcano - when a girl that smokes weed or whatever you prefer, sucks your dick and gets your dick hard while blowing smokes around it.

Girlfriend: light it up...

Friend: puff puff pass

Girlfriend: you wanna see an angry volcano?

Friend: sure...

Girlfriend: pulls his pants down and sucked it to get hard and takes a fat rip and sucks it again while blowing cloud of smoke on your dick

by Listodurock909 June 11, 2014

2👍 2👎


Yanks: thanks for nothing. politely being a dick about it without pissing them off.

Buyer: Saw your ad on Craigslist. a tablet for $50. Can you drive down to Duarte?

Seller: Sorry I do not wish to.

Buyer: yanks

by Listodurock909 April 28, 2018