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make my teeth itch

This is a term that is used to describe when someone or something is so offensive or foul that they make your teeth itch. Would be similar to someone making your skin crawl. Only worse. If you don’t think this is a real saying then you’re making my teeth itch.

Hey Dave, did you see that announcement Boris Johnson made about the party at Downing Street?

“That cunt does nothing but make my teeth itch every time he opens his mouth…”

by LittleBARON February 11, 2022

2👍 1👎


When a group of people, usually youths, are stood around in public smoking weed or fighting become suddenly aware of the police. They then run away in different directions screeching and wailing like an exploding star.

“Oscar Bravo one, we have the youths spotted in the park. We’ve started to get closer but they’re all starbursting now they’ve seen us. Can we have a couple more units to our location to assist with an area search please? There’s a strong smell of cannabis and we might be able to issue a couple of cannabis warnings if we get hold of some of them, over.”

by LittleBARON November 30, 2024