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The most smartest and intelligent person in the world. She only gets straight A’s in school. She knows a lot things and has great friends. She’s in the middle of popular and not. But overall, she’s the most amazing person you’ll ever meet. She’s super nice and not afraid to say what comes to her mind.

She’s a super badass super cool. She’s so beautiful and is judgy torwards people sometimes. She makes all the boys want her and all the girls want to be her. Shes that girl who has everything she wants, but deep down she knows she doesn’t. She doesn’t get embarrassed at all and is a great gal. She likes to sing and has an amazing voice, but doesn’t want people to hear. She has many friends, but some only really good ones. She likes to try everything and loves to be outside. She’s not afraid to be herself.

Emily: “wow, look, there goes Gigi!”
Jorgie: “ooooo, I want to be her!”

by Livvy134 February 20, 2019

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