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The world 'school' can be used to describe an important place that includes (but is not limited to) learning and may contain lots of books, (not to be confused with a library) but you don't care what happens in/to it.

Matt: "Hey, Joe"
Joe: "Hey, Matt"
Matt: "Did you hear about the White House being painted black?"
Joe: "Nah, the White House is school to me."

by Loading_Name May 7, 2011

1👍 1👎


1: The study of mathematics.
2: A word to describe something that is useful in part, but most of it is worthless
3: A word to describe something that takes all your brain power to comprehend.
4: A boring period of time

1: I study mathematics.
2: That doorstop notebook I bought is math.
3: Did you see how Jane's boobies jiggled?! It's like math!
4: Nine o'clock to ten o'clock is math.

by Loading_Name May 7, 2011

17👍 8👎