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1.) A person with the inability to fluently speak his or her native language

2.) A lazy bitch with the inability to fluently speak his or her native language

3.) An ugly skank with the inability to fluently speak his or her native language

1.) sayabi: Tudey I well tits abawt DIBIIMIS!
students: LOL, sayabi!

2.) "Damn that crazy ass sayabi, she forgot to check our test papers again! What a sayabi!"

3.) "I went to a gay bar with a bald gay guy because I'm a sayabi."

by Loads of Kikis May 20, 2008

17👍 1👎

ceiling piledriver

to be hit in the head by a falling ceiling fixture

Dudez: Damn, I wish my boss will get a ceiling piledriver just because he's a bitch!

R to the MA: YEAH! He just erlthomed me too!

by Loads of Kikis May 27, 2008


1. (verb) to be assigned a lot of tasks that was supposed to be done by the assignee

2. (adj.) a state of being stranded in a faraway place

3. (verb) to be owned

1. "Fuck, I've just been erlthomed. I should be paid overtime, bitch!"

2. The erlthom guy couldn't get home because of a typhoon. Boo yeah!

3. "You just gots yourself erlthomed, brother!" - The Hulkster

by Loads of Kikis May 22, 2008


etymology: agba(South East Asian for bald) + yani(South East Asian for hair fall)

1. (verb) The act of having deliberate bad hair days

1. Our proctor is probably under a lot of stress that's why he is agbayani-ing.

by Loads of Kikis May 22, 2008

11👍 3👎


The word ninety five pronounced by someone from a shitty school for spoiled pricks

"Put there ninety-fife!" - Erlthom said while erlthoming the guy

by Loads of Kikis May 30, 2008

gravy fishing

the act of obtaining all available condiments of a fastfood chain, usually KFC gravy, in an attempt to have an opportunity to flirt with female customers who also want the said condiments

"Hencie's hobby is gravy fishing because he loves them hoes." -Champxf

by Loads of Kikis May 26, 2008

class autograph

a fast food chain plate that was stolen and filled with student and professor signatures that serves as a memento of that semester

Rambo: Rex, where the hell did you get that?
Rex: I was high and this just appeared in my bag the next day. By the way, could you please sign here to complete our class autograph?
Rambo: Not if I molest you first!

by Loads of Kikis May 26, 2008