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Black Pill

A man that has woken up to women's bullshit and written them off. He's going his own way and no longer cares about them because he knows they're not worth his time.

This chick can't get enough of him. Too bad he's black pilled and couldn't care less.

by LogicWolf June 25, 2020

246👍 485👎



A post-wall feminist term for real men that work for a living but won't give them the time of day. This typically applies to men who get "dusty" for a living and keep civilization running like electricians, plumbers, garbage men, refinery workers, cops, tradesmen and soldiers. Ironically, they claim these men are "broke" because they don't waste money on these women.

Girl: "Hey, those guys are cute."
Her friend: "No, they're dusties. I won't date them."
The "Dusty": "That's fine. We won't date you either."

by LogicWolf September 20, 2022


Bisexual. It's just a fancy term for bisexual.

"Dude, I'd bang anyone hot. I'm bringing my girlfriend over tonight so my boyfriend and I can both do her. I'm pansexual."

by LogicWolf July 27, 2020

2👍 18👎

The Wall

The Wall is the point where a woman's attractiveness begins its inevitable decline, usually between the ages of 25 and 30. Post Wall women that are single tend to develop laughably unachievable "standards" for the men they date, complain constantly about their lack of a love life and blame it all on men. They never acknowledge the fact they are in that position because they spent their best years riding the CC instead of finding a good man and settling down. They are now bitter, run through, jaded and used up and will soon lose their ability to reliably have children which makes them completely undesirable to good men. They bring nothing to a relationship, but think they deserve a top 1% man to treat them like a queen.

"Where have all the good men gone?" she asks.
"They're all around, but they just don't want you anymore. You've hit the Wall, and the Wall is undefeated."

by LogicWolf April 1, 2023