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Ewout, goes 9/10 times under the name 'William'.

If you're a man, try to be careful around Ewouts. They tend to slither their hands in your pants.

Yo, I met a dude called Ewout today!
-Bro you better be careful around him.

by Lolandman March 25, 2020


SV: Man vill förklara ett begrepp som bildats i sinnet, men det är omöjligt att uttrycka det i existerande termer eftersom det inte existerar och ännu inte har något abstrakt begrepp.

EN: Wanting to explain a concept formed in the mind but it is impossible to express it in existing terms as it is non-existent and has no abstract concept yet.

I have been having a terrible writer's block lately, I know where I want to go with my story but I'm still in the Mentospyk.

by Lolandman April 11, 2022