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Long Lake Camp For The Arts

You know go to long lake when: (Updated)

-You know can quote the Princess Bride word for word
-You have the most amazing friends
-You wake up at 4:30 Am on casting day
-You wish you were a CIT until you actually are
-Its your ultimate goal to be in a "Sam Show"
-But "Jaque shows" aren't too shabby either
-You hear rumors of Pippin 2012 3rd session
-You saw Pippin 2012 3rd session and cringed
-You know Makii doesn't walk to the rylee she drives
-You've made/eaten edible art
-You ship Dan & Robin Circus
-You think "its a hard knock life" when you have to clean the toilets during bunk inspection.
-You cut the line for canteen weather you want it or not
-You have conquered Herm rock
-You use hairspray in every production no. matter. what.
-You have rang or contemplated ringing the bell
-You try to take a "Light nap" during rest hour and wake up a zombie
-You've gotten yelled "hand check!" at you during bonfire night
-You wear pajamas to breakfast because everyone loves you no matter what
-You know all the words to the spoon song
-You try to use the phones on the outside of the unit leader shack to maximize talk time
-You've taken one drink and TWO pieces of candy at canteen and felt like such a badass
-You get "The Talk" within the first week of camp and still manage to get away with everything on hell night.
-You envy the golf carts passing by you as you walk up to the sports field on sunday
-You love long lake with all your heart

Long live Long Lake Camp For The Arts

by LongLaker2k15 February 25, 2015