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Strope Wafel

Noun: Strope Wafel.

Definition: A pseudo-German phrase for having MAD STD's on your penis and/or vagina. We're talking Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, Chlamydia, and a general assortment of random-ass STD's all combined on your cock or cunt! If the above description matches your condition, your name is most likely Strope Wafel.

Side note: Strope Wafels tend to be EXTREMELY racist and bigoted to most anyone. This is caused by their penis size, or lack thereof.

Joe: Hey Steve, I just ran into a bloke named Strope Wafel today!

Steve: Damn Joe, what was that like? :O

Joe: All he did was preach racism while reeking of rotten tuna due to his apparent genital disease!

Steve: Holy shit, what a MAJOR CUNT!! XD

by LooglyLoo November 21, 2011

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