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Carthage, Missouri

Carthage is a small town of 15,000 people located in Southwest Missouri, and resides near Reeds, Joplin, and Diamond, Missouri. I happen to live here, so I will tell you about it. Carthage is a place where gas rises, businesses close and open, and overall activity is never-ending here. Some people even get their ass out at night to drive around, or some shit. A pro about this strange city-ish town is that most events take place during the summer. On 4th of July, there are firework stands in every third parking lot/vacant area. The main area of the town is the Square, which holds the Jasper County Courthouse. Some of the area coming in to and leaving the Square are filled with buildings occupied by the Hispanics. There is a Supermercado located across the street from a Mexican restaurant. The Square is basically filled with weird novelty shits and giggles. There are multiple areas with a lot of businesses, those include Fairlawn Drive, Grand Avenue, Fir Road, and Central Avenue, to name most of them. Itรขย€ย™s gotten to the point where it's basically a city, so I'll call it a city. There are two McDonald's here. There is a Walmart and a Lowe's here, and every house near the Senior High is built by Schuber Mitchell. And of course, Carthage is my hometown. I love it a lot, but as long as the 6th Grade Center where a High School used to be (it moved), I will be peeing outside. Summing it all up, Carthage is strange, and maybe think twice before moving there.

Carthage, Missouri is a strange place to live.

by Lookatdisdude July 6, 2023

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A possibly obscure name for the popular mobile wallpaper and ringtone seller Jamba, which is also known as Jamster. It's also possible that this is a madeup name used to make fun of said Jamster company. Only seen (as far as we know) on a parody video of the "Crazy Mole" commercial from December 2021.

Person 1: I saw a weird video that called Jamster "Junkster", what is that supposed to mean?
Person 2: Maybe that's an obscure name for it... there is LOREEEEEEEE (goodbye matpat) behind thi-
Person 1: Or that could just be making fun of them.
Person 2: True, true.

by Lookatdisdude January 19, 2024


The abbreviation for the Kansas State Network, which owns channel's KSNF, which stands for Kansas State Network, F abbreviation unknown, of Joplin, MO and Pittsburg, Kansas, KSNW, which stands for Kansas State Network Wichita, serving the Wichita Metropolitan Area, and KSNT, which stands for Kansas State Network Topeka, serving the Topeka Metropolitan Area.
The owner of the KSN network is the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).

Guy 1: Dude, did you watch KSN(F, T, W) last night?
Guy 2: Yeah, I heard some dude got hit by a train!

by Lookatdisdude May 28, 2023