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Norway is one of the lamest countries in scandinavia.
Norwegians are generally extremly ugly (there are tales their 'race' heritages from trolls)
The Norwegian language are one of the funniest sounding languages in the whole of Europe. It's not uncommon for ex. Swedish people to break out in laughter when he or she hears a norwegian talk.
Norway is also hated by other countries for their cruelty to animals.

It's still legal to have intercourse with animals (2017) and even encouraged by parents in north of Norway to do so to relive sexual frustration due to the lack of womens in the north.
The nationalfood (nationalrätt) in Norway are "guleböj" wich is just a plain banana.
Everything in Norway is EXTREMELY expensive!
Most Norwegians are rascists!

God damn those Norwegians smell so bad!
Run children or Anders.B will get you
Norway = NO!-Way!

by Loos3r February 3, 2017

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