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Dick Debacle

A situation in which you're with a hoe, and she notices that your dick looks wack.

"Yo Jim, yo dick look stank!"
"Shit dude! It does!"
(Dick debacle)

by LordFarquad71 February 12, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick debacle

A situation in which you're with a hoe, and she notices that your dick looks wack.

"Yo Jim, yo dick look stank!"
"Shit dude"
(Dick debacle)

by LordFarquad71 February 12, 2015

Golf Wang

An idiotic word (a noun, I believe) created by douche bags and assholes. No particular meaning or connection to golf, just pure bullshit.

"Hey Jimmy, what was the homework?"
"Idk fuck that, Golf Wangร‚ยฎ bruh."
"Shut the fuck up Jimmy."

by LordFarquad71 February 12, 2015

103๐Ÿ‘ 716๐Ÿ‘Ž