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Torvi is a youtuber who is very similar to popular content creator V1nce.
He makes videos roasting pngtubers and atheists on reddit
Also he gets all the bitches from his chadness

Random: torvi is a clone of v1nce
Chad: v1nce is a clone of leafy touch some grass

by LordFilthisverycool June 12, 2022

5👍 1👎


MemeZee is a youtuber who makes meme and is also known for being a gigachad and having big balls, The MemeZee has a second channel names TheZee. The MemeZee channel has two voice actors So True Zee and African-American Zee

Random: i am a virgin and i get no bitches
MemeZee Viewer: Don't worry my friend watching MemeZee memes is the best way to become a gigachad who gets all the bitches

by LordFilthisverycool June 12, 2022