AI slime. Junk content. The Artificial Intelligence generated content equivalent of email SPAM.
AI slime is content generated by or with the assistance of AI that acts as "noise", as opposed to the "signal" of quality content, human generated content, or content the target audience desires.
AI slime can be any form of media, data, or other content which which degrades non-AI Signal-to-noise ratio.
AI slime can act as a form of DOS (denial of service) in that AI slime, even when adhering to the spirit of the media type, dilutes the "quality" of the media.
Past tense "Slimed" or "A-slimed".
A picture sharing site for photographers to share photos has now become so diluted by AI slime that the site has become effectively DOS'd.
A social media post has been "slimed" with AI content to dilute any human comments/posts as to render the post comments useless.