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A country that is highly dissed on Urban Dictionary by people that don't even bother to pick up a grammar book before starting to point fingers.

Apparently, we're beyond poor, we're being outnumbered by gypsies (some even think every Romanian inhabitant is a gypsy) and we're decades behind every other country, concerning our progress/technology/yadda yadda yadda. (God I dont even know how I'm able to use a computer cause I'm so st00pid)

Romania is awfully underrated by unneducated individuals that enjoy talking smack in their ridiculous posts, without getting their facts straight, just because it's fun to act like know-it-all-buttfaces, leaving people with the wrong impression.

-Also I love how some of the people here seem Romanian, and they're really "promoting" their country like no one's business.-

A: I'm so sick of the lack of respect people show towards Romania. I mean, I LIVE here and I know its pros and cons, and yeah, it's not a perfect country but what these people are saying is just borderline bull$#!@ !

B: Haters gon' hate, it's all they have to do with their pathetic lives, making up stories to put themselves in a good light.

by LouderThanThunder August 18, 2010

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