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He's that kid that you see getting yelled at down the street for throwing glass bottles on the ground. The one the old lady threatens to call the cops on, because he's that shady of a character. Or the boy who had been suspected to be an obese 40 year old man with a ponytail by your mother, just moments before...
He's that cute kid you decide to stalk because you met him in Chinese class and you thought it'd be fun.

But in reality, He's the one you've been waiting for.
He's sweet, funny, incredibly adorkable, nerdy as can be, sexy, he can be a buttface sometimes, but you learn to look past that.
Because you realize you can't live with out him... Even if he sometimes delays responding when he's playing video games, you love him still.... <3

Boy: Did you hear about that guy who was like totally awesome...?

Girl: Yeah, he's so dreamy....

Boy: Hey!! D: what about me?!?!?

Girl: Nothing personal... But you're no Dustin.

by LoveIsInsanity January 10, 2012

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