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Cow shagger, pantie sniffer

A person who refuses to wash themselves and engages in questionable activities with underwear belonging to various members in their household.

Dylan: Jeeeeesus, Sean smells really bad!
Eoghan: That's because he is a Cow shagger, pantie sniffer

by LoverOfDeadCalves November 15, 2020

6👍 2👎

stingy farmer

A pers0n 8f an agricul7ural background who refuses to p4y you back mon3y that you 5hared with them, intentionally u5ing excu2es to avo1d having to give you the money/item5 they owe.

Dylan: I keep trying to RING Sean to get my money off him, but he never answers his PHONE
Eoghan: That's because he is a stingy farmer

by LoverOfDeadCalves November 18, 2020