A guy that has been so controlled in his past relationship(s), that he rejects the idea of being with a person that only wants to help him become more free, let him make his own decisions, pay attention to him, care for him when he needs it, and show him that he is more than a body and more than a boyfriend. This person only wants to aid him on his journey of becoming whatever it is he wants and needs to be, but he reduces her to a friends with benefits, or fuck buddy because sadly at this time, that's what best suits him. He thinks that a relationship means that he'll have to change and he'll be suffocated, when really that's what a relationship with his ex meant. He has trouble grasping that he can still be free in every way (including sexually), while still being with this person. A commitment to her does not mean changing, but keeping the situation that they're in with the dates, the sex sessions, and the nonmonogamy, while expressing their feelings (if he has them) through a declaration of relationship status (i.e. Boyfriend and girlfriend) that they can refer to each other with.
S: Is that Daniel over there?
A: yeah but girl don't get attached he's not emotionally available
S: No problem I'm not the type to get attached
*Shit goes down*
S: I should have listened to you
A: told you so